Electric Vehicle Association of Southern California

Dues are $20 a year (see membership information section at the bottom of this page)

For Club info contact Jim

The EVAOSC meets at 10:00AM on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the South Coast Air Quality Management District's facility(SCAQMD) at 21865 E. Copley Dr. in Diamond Bar. We usually have a speaker, tour, public demonstration event, or a video. This is to inform people about upcoming meetings and meeting places. Topics covered include electric transportation, electric cars, batteries, hybrids, fuel cell cars, renewable energy, peaking of cheap oil, US energy policy, motors, etc. Guests are always welcome and electric vehicles are typically available for close-up inspection and rides.

Inland Empire National Drive Electric Week 2021 Event.

October 2021.


November's meeting With EV West on "How to break a land speed record in 60 days"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZqhlcvI5vY

If you are involved with electric vehicles or just want to learn more about them, you are invited to join the EVAOSC. Dues are only $20 per year, payable by check to the address below. Your money goes towards the club’s monthly newsletter and events and projects. All club officers are unpaid volunteers. Dues gets you the newsletter.


PO Box 4235

Diamond Bar, CA 91765-0227

Email George@evaosc.org

Our next meeting we will be on Saturday Sept 21st

We will have a Zoom meeting the link will be in the newsletter

Click the contact button above if you need the link

            EVAOSC members, family, and friends, join us Saturday September 28th from 10am to 2 pm at the SCAQMD Diamond Bar for our Drive Electric Week Event. We will have EV Dealers & EVs, ride and drives, many EV related and green booths, plus many from our partners at the South Coast Air Quality Management District.

SCAQMD is at 21865 Copley Dr. Diamond Bar Ca 9176

            We will have AM coffee and lunch at our booth.

            Put this great event in your calendar and let us know what other things you would like to have on site.                                                                                          We look forward to seeing you there.